Functional Kiting Exercises
ITEMS REQUIRED FOR EXERCISES: Stability ball, Thera-band loop approx 10in in diameter, Light dumbbell, Towel roll approx 4-8in in diameter.
1: PRI Squat: Stand about 6-8 inches from wall. Keep body weight on heels and slightly touch waistline against wall. Squat and bend forward slightly keeping the waist line against the wall. Inhale and reach forward with LEFT hand. Hold that position then exhale and reach forward with the RIGHT hand. Repeat for 4 breaths then shift body weight onto LEFT leg and stand up right. Repeat the entire cycle 4 times. Purpose: To round (stretch) your lumbar spine, engages core muscles and repositions pelvis
2: Left Sidelying Right Glut Max: Band just above knees. Prop feet up about 4-8 inches with upper legs parallel to the wall. Shift RIGHT hip and knee forward then open knees keeping LEFT leg touching the table/ground. Lift and hold for 10 seconds, repeat 10-15 times. Purpose: Isolated strengthening of RIGHT glut max and repositioning pelvis
3: Right Sidelying Knee to Knee: Same positioning as exercise #2 (without band). Shift RIGHT hip and knee forward and open knees, maintaining the shift try to lift the LEFT knee up so that it touches the RIGHT inner thigh. Lift and hold for 10 seconds, repeat 10-15 times. Purpose: Integrated strengthening LEFT adductor and RIGHT glut max as well as repositioning pelvis
4: Left Adduction with Right Abduction: In LEFT sidelying prop lower foot up 4-8 inches with top leg about 2 feet or more up on the wall. Push hips into table then lift lower knee up and hold without rolling hips back. Maintaining this position turn to foot’s toes down and lift top foot off the wall and hold. Do not let your hips roll back as you lift your leg. Hold for 10 seconds and then repeat 10-15 times. Purpose: To integrate strengthening LEFT adductor with RIGHT glut max. This will also reposition pelvis
5: Left Sidelying Hip Lift with Rotation: In LEFT sidelying position your hips and knees so that they are both at approximately 90 degrees or more. Prop yourself up on your elbow and lift hips only keeping your knees in contact with the table/ground. Use a light weight 3-10lbs and reach toward the ceiling with the top hand. Keep hips up as you rotate your arm/ shoulders reaching under and behind your back. Exhale as you reach under and inhale as you raise your arm towards the ceiling. Purpose: Integrated strengthen LEFT internal oblique
6: Retro Step-up With Shift: Position yourself with your back to the stairs. Place your RIGHT foot on top of the 1st stair. Shift your body weight so that all pressure is in the heel of your RIGHT foot. As your shift your body weight, pull your RIGHT knee and hip back. Then Shift your hips to the right so that you shoulder, hip, knee and ankle are all in a straight line on the RIGHT side with your back rounded and stomach tight. Repeat this for the LEFT leg also. Purpose: Integrated strengthening of glut max with core stabilization
7: Skier Side Step With Band: Band around ankles. Step out to the RIGHT shifting your body weight so that all pressure is in the heel of your RIGHT foot. As your shift your body weight, pull your RIGHT knee and hip back. Then Shift your hips to the right so that you shoulder, hip, knee and ankle are all in a straight line on the RIGHT side with your back rounded and your stomach tight. Repeat this for the LEFT leg. Side step and shift for about 10-15 yds. Purpose: Integrated glut med. strengthening with core stabilization
8: Squat Side Step: Band just above knees. Step out to the right so that your feet are well past shoulder width apart. Step in with the LEFT foot so that your feet are slightly wider than shoulders width apart. Keeping both knees apart and toes pointed forward, squat down as low as you can keeping your body weight on your heels keeping your stomach tight. Your knees should not come forward past the plane of your toes. Repeat this for the LEFT side. Side step and squat for about 10-15 yds. Purpose: Integrate glut max strengthening with core stabilization
9: Stability Ball Knees to Chest: This exercise can be done from the knees (intermediate) or from the toes (advanced). Position you knees/ toes in the center of the ball. Your hands should be directly under your shoulders. Round your back by pulling your stomach in tight (exhaling will help). Maintain the rounded position as you pull your knees into your chest rolling the ball. The more distance between you knees and the floor the better. Exhale as you pull the ball in slowly. Inhale as you roll the ball out slowly. Repeat 10 times. Purpose: Integrated strengthening of core muscles with lower and upper extremity stabilizers
10: Stability Ball Split Squat: Place LEFT foot on top of the ball so that you are making contact with the ball over your shoe laces and ankle. Step forward with RIGHT leg so that when you squat down you knee will remain directly over your ankle. Your body weight should be mostly on the RIGHT leg and completely on the heel of the RIGHT leg. Squat down as low as you can without rolling the ball or compromising form. Repeat with ball under RIGHT leg and LEFT leg forward. If this exercise is too advanced, a bench of equal height can be substituted for the ball. Perform 10-15 times on each leg. Purpose: Integrated strengthening and stabilization of lower extremity and core
11: Stability Ball Shredder Squat: Start with the ball against your LEFT hip. Stagger your feet so that they are about shoulders width apart and that the LEFT leg is slightly forward of the RIGHT leg. Push hips into the ball as you lean your body weight into the ball. Squat down keeping both feet and knees pointed forward. Hips and shoulders should remain square and level with the floor. Your body weight should be mostly on the RIGHT leg. Keep your back rounded and stomach tight throughout the movement. Repeat this with the ball on the RIGHT hip. Perform 10-15 times on each side. Purpose: Integrated lower extremity strengthening with core stability
12: Stability Ball Hamstring Curls: Lay on your back with your heels on the ball. Feet should be spaced about a foot apart. Press heels into the ball and lift your hips up off the ground rounding your back, not arching. Hold this position as you roll the ball towards and way you’re your body. To make this more challenging try performing this using only a single leg. You will need to position your heel directly in the center of the ball while putting the other leg straight up in the air. Purpose: Integrated hamstring strengthening and core stabilization