Functional Total Body Stability Kiting Exercises
ITEMS REQUIRED FOR EXERCISES: Stability ball, Thera-band loop approx. 8inches in diameter, Light Dumbbell, Moderate Dumbbell, Cable System or Thera-Band Tubing,
Step approx. 1-2 Feet High, Pull-up bar.
1. Hanging Knee-Ups: Begin by hanging from a pull-up bar either with slings, if your health club has them available for public use or by using your hands. Using the slings will allow you to perform the exercise for longer. Before you lift a leg pelvic tilt to tighten your stomach and hold that tilt throughout the entire exercise. Lift one leg up and across your body as you forcefully exhale while you try to keep the other leg pointed straight down. Try to raise your leg up so that it is parallel to the floor. Inhale as you lower the leg back down maintaining the pelvic tilt so that you do not arch your back. Exhale forcefully as you raise the other leg. The goal for this exercise is to be able to lift and lower your legs without your entire body swinging back and forth. If you try this exercise and you are swinging, try it keeping your knees bent. For an added challenge, try this exercise with legs fully extended and hanging with shoulders and elbows at 90 degrees. Try 3 sets of 10 kicks per leg (20 total per set) or as long as your grip will last. Purpose: Functional strengthening of core muscles specifically for bringing legs up during jumping.
2. L-AFIR Single Leg Oblique Cable Press Down: Using a Cable system set on the highest setting or a band attached to something overhead, stand so that the cable or band is on your left side. Shift your weight onto your left leg and stick your left hip out towards the cable or band as you pelvic tilt to tighten up the abs. Hold the Cable or band in your left hand and lift your right foot just slightly off the floor while maintaining the hip shift to the left. While still maintaining the hip shift forcefully exhale as you try to side bend and press your left arm down to activate your left oblique. Hold this position for 4 deep breathes and repeat for 2 sets of 10-20 times. Assume the same position for the other side and perform the same number of sets and reps. Purpose: Integrated strengthening of obliques and hip stabilizers
3. Kneeing Cable Oblique Pull Downs: Using a Cable system set on the highest setting or a band attached to something overhead, kneel so that the cable or band is in front of you. Hold the cable or band in your right hand. At this point you hips should be directly over your knees. Perform a pelvic tilt to tighten up your abs. Holding the pelvic tilt try to round your back as you forcefully exhale and bring your right elbow to the outside of your left knee. Inhale as you let yourself come upright slowly. For an added challenge try holding the crunch as you take 4 breaths in and out, still inhaling when you come up. Repeat for the other side. Try 3 sets of 12-20 reps per side. Purpose: Strengthening of obliques.
4. Single Leg Cable Transverse Twists: Using a Cable system set on the shoulder height setting or a band attached to something around shoulder height, stand so that the cable or band is on your left side. Balance on your left leg (slightly bent) with your right hip and knee at 90 degrees and the cable or band handle in both hands. Pelvic tilt and with arms extended forcefully exhale as you twist your upper body to the right, head should follow your hands/ shoulders. Be careful not to let your hips/ knees rotate with this exercise. Twist as far as you can without your hips moving. Inhale as you return to center. Try to get through 10-15 reps without having to put the other foot down to balance. Repeat for the other side, 2 sets per side. Purpose: Integrated and functional strengthening of core muscles with stabilizers of your legs/ hips
Total Body:
5. Lunge with Push Press to Overhead Press: Select and appropriate set of light dumbbells. Begin by balancing on your right leg with your left hip and knee at 90 degrees and a dumbbell in each hand. Press the dumbbells overhead and hold. Reach your left foot out and lunge forward. As you move into the lunge position bring the dumbbells down to shoulder height. Once set in the lunge position with the right knee about an inch off of the floor, reach the dumbbells out in front of you keeping your arms parallel to the floor. Hold for 2 seconds, then bring the weights back to your shoulders and push off the left foot to return to the right leg balance position. As you lift your left leg up press the dumbbells over head and hold this position for 2 seconds. Be sure to maintain a pelvic tilt and tight stomach throughout the entire movement. Repeat for the other side. Try 2 sets of 15-20 reps per side. Purpose: Functional strengthening of core, hips, legs, shoulders and upper back.
6. Lateral Step Up with Single Arm Overhead Tricep Extension: Position yourself on the right side of a step that is between 1-2 feet tall with a dumbbell in your right hand resting on your shoulder, elbow pointed as high as you can. Place your left foot on the step and shift your bodyweight onto the heel of your left foot without lift the right foot off the floor. Pull your left knee/ hip back so that you feel a stretch in the glut on that side. Hold that stretch for 2 seconds then push down through your heel and step up bringing the right hip and knee up to 90 degrees. As you step up try keep your elbow pointed toward the ceiling, extend your elbow as the right knee comes up. Hold at the top for 2 seconds. Be sure to not arch your back during the movement of this exercise. Repeat for 2 sets of 15-20 reps per side. Purpose: Integrated strengthening of hips, legs, core, shoulders and triceps.
7. Split Squat Oblique Cable Pull Downs with Resisted Adduction: Using a cable system with 2 cables or using 2 bands position yourself facing perpendicular to the set-up. The band or cable on your right side should be positioned at the highest setting and the cable or band on your left should be positioned at knee height. The band on the right will be for your hands, I recommend using a rope (double or single) attachment. If not available a small towel can be used. The cable or band on the left side will go around your leg, just above the knee. You will need a loop attachment for this. Position yourself in a lunge with you left leg in front. Squat down so that your right knee is about 1 inch from the ground. At this point you should be trying to keep you left knee front being pulled to the left. Forcefully exhale as you bring your arms on a diagonal from above your head on the right to outside your knee on the left and hold for 2 seconds. Inhale as you bring your arms back to the right side. Be careful not to let your hips move during this exercise. All the movement should come from above your hips. If this is too difficult to maintain balance, then do not use the leg cable or band. Try 2 sets of 20 reps for each side. Purpose: Integrated strengthening of core, hips and legs.
8. Banded Stability Ball Wall Sit with Alternating Bicep Curl: Using a band around your knees, place the stability ball just above your pelvis and against the wall. Your knees, when in the lowest point of the squat should line up directly over your ankles. This is important for reducing the stress to the knee ligaments and meniscus. While holding the squat position alternate bicep curls using moderate dumbbells. Start the alternating curl with palms facing in toward your side and as you bring the weights up to your shoulders turn your hand so that your thumbs are pointing out and palms are towards your shoulders. For an added challenge, (B) try staggering your stance to put more weight on one leg. One step further, (C) try doing a single leg squat and alternating curls with the band still around your knees. Perform 3 sets of 20 reps. Purpose: Integrated strengthening of core, hips, legs and biceps.
Upper Body
9. Med-ball Push-Up with Rotation: Select a medicine ball that is firm and about 6-8 inches in diameter. Assume a push-up position with both hands on the med-ball. Perform a pelvic tilt and squeeze your stomach tight as you lower your body into a close grip push-up. As you push yourself up rotate your body to the left, pointing your left arm to the ceiling. Rotate your lower body as well so that you end with your feet stacked on the outside of your right foot. Return your left arm to the ball and repeat the push-up and rotation for other side. Try 2 sets of 20 reps, (10 per side for each set). Purpose: Integrated strengthening of core, chest and triceps.
10. Single Leg Bent Over Single Arm Reverse Fly: Select a light (5-10lbs) dumbbell and hold it in your right hand while balancing on your left leg. Bend at your waist so that your back is parallel to the floor with a slight bend in your left knee. Right heel should be slightly ahead of your left toes, but not touching. Keep your left hand on your left hip and hang your right arm down towards the floor. Perform a pelvic tilt and squeeze your stomach tight. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and with a straight arm try to bring your arm out to the side so that your arm is parallel to the floor. Hold for 2 seconds then lower your arm back down. Repeat for the other side. Try 2 sets of 15-20 per arm. Purpose: Integrated stabilization/ strengthening of scapular retractors, triceps, core, hips, and legs.
11. Single Leg Cable Tricep/ Lower Trap PNF Extensions: Using a cable system at the highest setting or a band attached to something high, hold the cable/ band in your right hand while balancing on your left leg. Your right hip and knee should be at 90 degrees. Stand with the cable/ band attachment on your left side. Pelvic tilt squeezing both your stomach tight and your shoulder blades together. Keeping your shoulders and hips from moving start with your right hand above your left shoulder with your elbow slightly bent. As you pull diagonally from above your left shoulder to the right, allow your elbow to bend more so that your elbow points toward the floor. From this point extend your elbow while keeping your shoulder blades squeezed together. Hold for 2 seconds then return your arm diagonally above your left shoulder. Repeat for other side. Try 2 sets of 15-20 per side. Purpose: Integrated strengthening of legs, hips, core, scapular retractors and triceps.
Lower Body
12. Stability Ball Adductor Knee Touches: Select a stability ball that when kneeling with hips straight on the right side of the ball, it comes up to waist height. From this position put your right knee, with the knee bent at 90 degrees on top of the ball. Bend at the waist so that you can put your hands and left knee on the floor. Squeeze your stomach tight and exhale as you squeeze your right knee down into the ball and lift your left knee off of the floor. Bring the left knee up onto the top of the ball. Inhale and lower you left knee down to barely touch the floor then exhale and lift again. The ball should roll side to side as you raise and lower your knee. Repeat for the other side. Try 2 sets of 10-15 reps per leg. Purpose: Integrated strengthening of core and adductors (inner thighs)
13. Hamstring Body Leans: Kneel on a pad of some kind to protect your knees. Wedge your feet under a heavy object. Put your hand on your hips or for more of a challenge, across your chest. Perform a pelvic tilt keeping your stomach tight throughout the entire movement. Lean your body forward slowly and hold squeezing your stomach and hamstrings tight. Lean as far as you can and hold for 2 seconds, then pull yourself upright. Try 2 sets of 10-15 reps. Purpose: Isolated strengthening of hamstrings with core stabilization.
14. Stability Ball Lateral Lunge: Use the same stability ball from exercise #12. Stand on the left side of the ball with moderately heavy dumbbells in each hand. Place your right foot on top of the ball with your right leg extended. Shift your body weight onto the left foot and hold the dumbbells on either side of your left leg. Roll the ball to the right as you squat down keeping your stomach tight in the pelvic tilt position. Your body weight should be on your heel of your left foot. Keep you left knee from going over your toes. Squat until you feel the stretch in your right inner thigh or until your left knee breaks the plane of your toes and hold for 2 seconds. Repeat for the other side. Repeat for 2 sets of 10-15 reps per side. Purpose: Integrated strengthening of core, hips and legs.