Functional Kiting Exercises
1: Long Seated Press-Up on Medicine Ball: Begin by sitting on table or floor with your entire mid / lower back and bottom of shoulder blades touching the wall and 2 medicine balls next to your hips. Position hands comfortably in the center of each ball. Start by squeezing your shoulder blades together and press down into the ball lifting your hips straight up maintaining contact with the wall. Lift so that you arms are completely extended, but not locked and your shoulders are down as far away from your ears as possible. Hold this position for 10 seconds taking deep breaths in and out, repeat for 2-3 sets of 10 reps. Purpose: Integrated strengthening of Triceps and Lower Trapezius muscles.2: Band Walk Push-Up: Begin in a push-up position, either from toes or knees with your back rounded by performing a pelvic tilt as well as tightening your abs. Maintain this rounded position throughout the entire movement. Loop the band around your hands or wrists. Start with hands close to each other, squeeze your shoulder blades together and walk your hands apart one hand at a time. Go as wide as you can without rocking your hips side to side. If you can’t walk without keeping your hips still, then use an easier band. Once you reach your maximum width, perform a push-up keeping your back rounded and shoulder blades squeezed together. A common error is to let your low back sag as you raise your body up from the ground. Walk your hands back to center. For a more dynamic chest, shoulder and triceps workout, you can perform another push-up when hands are close together. Perform 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps. Inhale as you lower your body down and forcefully exhale as you lift your body up. Purpose: Integrated strengthening of Chest, Scapular Retractors, Triceps and Abs.
3: Supine Pull-up: Begin by lying on your back with the bar directly above your chest. When flat on your back you should be able to touch the bar with your fingertips. The best equipment to use is a smith machine or a squat rack. Start with your knees slightly bent and squeeze your shoulder blades together as you lift yourself up from the floor. The goal is to get your chest to touch the bar without arching your back and keeping your elbows pointed towards the ground. If you can’t touch the bar, simply try to get as close as you can without arching. Inhale as you lift yourself up and forcefully exhale as you lower yourself down. For added difficulty you can straighten your legs out, perform it on one leg with the other in the air, or have you legs or leg elevated on a ball. Perform 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps. Purpose: Strengthening of Scapular Retractors, Biceps and Lower Traps.
4: Prone Row / Tricep Extension with Rotation: Assume the same starting position as exercise # 2 (push-up), holding a light weight in each hand with thumbs pointed forward. Your hips should be centered and square to the ground. Perform a row by lifting one elbow as high as you can, without shrugging and keeping your forearm pointed towards the ground. Allow your trunk and shoulders to rotate, but not your hips. When you are lifting your right arm, think of forcing your right hip down while still maintaining a rounded back and tight abs. With the arm raised then keep the arm in this position and extend the elbow keeping your thumb pointed down. Bend elbow and then return arm to the ground and repeat on the other side. Inhale as you lift your arm/ elbow. Exhale as you extend your elbow and hold for 2 seconds. Then inhale as you lower your hand and exhale forcefully as you return your arm to the floor. Purpose: Integrated strengthening of Scapular Retractors, Triceps and abs.
5: Single Leg Single Arm Row with Rotation: With the cable or band in your right hand balance on your left leg. Line yourself up so that when on the left leg you are at least 1 foot to the right of the cable / band base. This will allow for you to pull across your body. (Less Challenging way is to put toes of right leg down, keeping your weight mostly on your left leg). If possible the cable / band should be positioned at or below knee height. Start with the cable/ band close to the floor so that you are bent over keeping hips square to the cable/ band. Perform a row by pulling on the cable/ band, pulling the elbow back as you twist your trunk and shoulders only keeping hips square. As you pull you should stand upright keeping your knee bent. Inhale as you pull and exhale forcefully as you return the weight/ band. Your hips should not move throughout the entire movement. Perform 3 sets of 10-15 reps per side. Purpose: Integrated strengthening of Scapular Retractors, Lower Traps, Abs, Hamstrings, Gluts and Calves.
6: 2 Ball Pectoral Fly: Start by kneeling with one hand in the center of each ball in front of you. Shift your body weight forward keeping your back rounded so that you end up with your elbows directly in the center of each ball. At this point the balls should be touching or almost touching. Spread your arms apart, rolling the balls away from each other and lowering your body. Keep your stomach tight especially when you are closer to the floor. If you feel this in your back, you will need to limit your range of motion so that you are only feeling it in your chest and your abs. Press down into the balls with your elbows and roll the balls back to center lifting your body up to the starting position. Perform 3 sets of 8-10 reps. Purpose: Integrated strengthening of Chest and Abs.
7: Single Arm Stability Ball Stabilization with Reverse Fly: This exercise can be performed from the knees or for the more advanced, from the toes. If you have difficulty controlling the ball you can position the ball up against a wall. Position your left forearm directly across the center of the ball with a light weight dumbbell in the right hand. Round your back keeping you hips centered and stomach tight. Perform a reverse fly by swinging the weight, with your elbow slightly bent towards the ceiling. Allow your shoulders and trunk to rotate, but hip should stay centered and square to the floor. Inhale as you raise your arm up and exhale, squeezing your stomach tighter as you lower the weight down. Repeat for the other side. Perform 3 sets of 10-15 reps per side. Purpose: Integrated strengthening of Scapular retractors, Pectorals, Triceps and Abs.
8: Stability Ball Crunch with Diagonal Medicine Ball Chops: This is a variation for the basic stability ball crunch. Start your lower back on the stability ball with a small medicine ball (1-2 kg) in your hands. Your feet should be directly under your knees and you should be able to draw a straight line from knees to hips to shoulders. Bring the ball, with arms extended over your right shoulder. In this position be careful not to arch your back! Take a deep breath and forcefully exhale as you perform a crunch bringing the ball from the right side diagonally across your body. The goal is to try and reach out to break the plane of your knee with the ball. Sitting up to far is actually wasted energy and doesn’t increase the stress on the core. Perform 3 sets of 10-20 reps per side. Purpose: Core strengthening.
9: Reverse Crunch on Stability Ball: This is a variation of leg lifts. Begin by finding an object that you can hold onto that won’t move. Place your tailbone on the center of the ball, keeping feet on the ground while you get into position. Lean back and grab hold of the stationary object. Keep knees bent and lift one leg at a time so that both knees are pointed at the ceiling. Extend legs up to ceiling and slowly let your legs come back down to the ground keeping your stomach tight and your back rounded. Let your legs come down only as far as you can maintain a rounded back. Abdominal strength determines range of motion. Then lift your legs back up towards the ceiling squeezing your stomach tight. The difficult part is to exhale through both motions. So as you are lowering your legs you should forcefully exhale then take a breath while you hold your legs up. Then forcefully exhale as you bring your leg back up toward the ceiling. Purpose: Integrated balance and core strengthening
10: Stability Ball Russian Twists with Medicine Ball: Position the stability ball between your shoulder blades holding a heavier medicine than before, 3-6kg ball. Knees, hips and shoulders should be level with your feet directly under your knees. With arms extended reach the ball up to the ceiling. Tighten your stomach and forcefully exhale as you rotate your shoulders right and roll the ball. Lower your arms so that they are parallel to the floor. Be sure to keep your hips centered and square to the floor. As you rotate your arms to the right, force your right hip up without arching your back. Pause as you inhale. Forcefully exhale keeping your stomach tight as you rotate your shoulders back to center and then to the left side. Repeat this for 2-3 sets of 20 reps. Purpose: Integrated strengthening of core